July 2022 – Welcome to the heat of the Summer in Georgia! As we move into the Month of July we have a lot of exciting things happening on the farm. Our vegetables and flowers are loving all of this warm weather and we will be opening the farm store soon. We have been converting our Barn into a farm store and are very excited to get that new space open for you all to visit. Details to follow soon.
November 2022
Cannot believe it is November already! The farm may seem quiet these days, but I assure you, the fall and winter are some of our busiest times. Currently we are starting seeds to get a jump on the growing season. I am testing out some more cold hardy plants this winter. These varieties, like Tulip and Ranunculus, will give us beautiful flowers earlier in the spring, but because of our heat they will be gone as soon as we are in the 80’s. By that time the summer annuals will be coming in! I am so excited to share with you all the new varieties of flower we will have on the farm in the Spring. Make sure you are following us on Instagram @bramblecreekfarmlife. Stay tuned, we will be having Black Friday specials on our 2023 Spring and Summer Flower Subscriptions!